karen genoff artist

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 Reinventing Histories 2014

BMGArt 444 South Road, Marleston, SA
6 suites of work ( 35 in all)

Herstoria Momento Mori Plague Proportions The Last Night in Venice Venetian Braille Reliquaries In 2013 my partner and I travelled to the North of Italy and, using Venice as a base, we took in the Venice Biennale, and travelled south of Florence to Luca and the Upper west coast of Italy. This body of work is my response to that experience. Reinventing Histories exists as 6 suites of work and marks the point at which my ongoing practise has collided with the 'built' history, surfaces, objects and places encountered. Through the 'filter' that is an arts practice (always in a state of flux,) Just needed to use that post travel as if like 'hovering'. I started to see "snippets" of the journey sacred in objects that presented themselves for consideration and they began to leap out at me upon return.

www.bmgart.com.au P +61 8 8297 2440 M +61 421 311 680





Momento Mori


Plague Proportions

 The Anatomy of a Poem

 Venetian Braille



